Categories Civil Lawyer

Top civil Lawyer in Ahmedabad | 9925002031 | Best Property Advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat | Advocate Paresh M Modi

Top civil Lawyer in Ahmedabad | 9925002031| Best Property Advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat | Advocate Paresh M Modi

Best Civil Advocate Paresh M Modi, based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, exemplifies unparalleled expertise in civil litigations. His profound understanding of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) and dedication to client advocacy ensure comprehensive legal solutions. Specializing in matters like property disputes, injunctions, specific performance, and contract enforcement, Advocate Modi adeptly handles plaints, written statements, and replication. His proficiency in dealing with civil suits, appeals, and revisions, along with his strategic use of temporary and permanent injunctions, guarantees favorable outcomes. With meticulous attention to jurisdictional challenges and interim relief applications, Advocate Modi excels in managing complex litigation, ensuring justice through detailed procedural compliance. His commitment to ethical practice and client satisfaction cements his reputation as a premier civil advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat. The ability to handle any kind of tough cases makes Law Firm of Advocate Paresh M Modi one of the best law firms in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.


Stages of Civil Suits

The procedure in civil suits, governed by the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), involves a series of well-defined stages, each crucial for the orderly and fair adjudication of disputes. Here is a detailed overview of each stage :


  1. Institution of Suit

A civil suit begins with the filing of a plaint, a formal written complaint by the plaintiff outlining the facts of the case, the cause of action, and the relief sought. The plaint must comply with the prescribed format and be accompanied by the necessary court fees and documents.

  1. Service of Summons

Once the plaint is filed, the court issues summons to the defendant, directing them to appear before the court and respond to the allegations. The summons, along with a copy of the plaint, must be served on the defendant, ensuring they have adequate notice of the proceedings.

  1. Written Statement

The defendant is required to file a written statement, responding to the allegations made in the plaint. The written statement must specifically deny or admit the allegations, and can also include any additional facts constituting a defense. This document sets the stage for identifying the contentious issues.

  1. Replication and Rejoinder

In some cases, the plaintiff may file a replication in response to the defendant’s written statement, reiterating their claims and addressing any new facts introduced by the defendant. This may be followed by a rejoinder from the defendant, further refining the points of contention.

  1. Framing of Issues

The court examines the plaint, written statement, and any subsequent pleadings to frame issues. These issues represent the disputed points that need to be resolved during the trial. Proper framing of issues is critical, as it delineates the scope of the trial.

  1. Discovery and Inspection

Both parties are entitled to request the discovery of documents and other evidence in possession of the other party. This stage involves the inspection of documents, examination of witnesses, and submission of interrogatories to clarify facts and gather relevant information.

  1. Admission and Denial of Documents

The parties are required to admit or deny the documents presented by the opposing side. This process helps streamline the trial by identifying the undisputed documents and focusing on the contested ones.

  1. Examination of Witnesses

During the trial, the parties present their evidence through the examination of witnesses. This involves three stages: examination-in-chief, where the witness provides their testimony; cross-examination, where the opposing counsel questions the witness; and re-examination, which allows clarification of points raised during cross-examination.

  1. Arguments

After the evidence is presented, both parties make their arguments before the court. The plaintiff’s counsel typically opens the arguments, followed by the defendant’s counsel. The arguments summarize the evidence, highlight key points, and present legal precedents supporting each party’s case.

  1. Judgment

Once the arguments are concluded, the court delivers its judgment. The judgment must address each issue framed, provide reasons for the court’s decision, and specify the relief granted or denied. The judgment is the final determination of the rights of the parties in the suit.

  1. Decree

A formal expression of the court’s decision, the decree, follows the judgment. It sets out the outcome of the suit, detailing the relief granted to the successful party. The decree must be drawn up accurately, reflecting the judgment’s content.

  1. Appeal

If a party is dissatisfied with the judgment, they may file an appeal to a higher court. The appellate court reviews the lower court’s decision, examining the records and hearing arguments to determine if there were any legal errors. Depending on the outcome, the appellate court may uphold, modify, or reverse the lower court’s judgment.

  1. Execution of Decree

Once the decree becomes final, the successful party can initiate execution proceedings to enforce the decree. This may involve attachment and sale of the judgment debtor’s property, arrest and detention, or other measures to ensure compliance with the court’s order.

  1. Review and Revision

In certain circumstances, parties may seek a review of the judgment from the same court if new evidence emerges or if there is an apparent error. Additionally, a higher court may exercise revisionary jurisdiction to correct jurisdictional errors or grave irregularities in the lower court’s proceedings.

Each stage in the procedure of civil suits is designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and justice. Adherence to these procedural steps is essential for the effective resolution of civil disputes, providing a structured framework for the parties to present their case and obtain a fair adjudication.


Top Using Words in civil suits


Here are the top 150 words related to civil suits and the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), along with brief explanations:

  1. Plaint: The written statement of the plaintiff’s claims.
  2. Defendant: The party against whom the suit is filed.
  3. Plaintiff: The party who initiates the suit.
  4. Jurisdiction: The authority of a court to hear a case.
  5. Summons: A document issued by the court directing a party to appear.
  6. Service of Summons: Delivery of summons to the defendant.
  7. Written Statement: The defendant’s reply to the plaint.
  8. Replication: The plaintiff’s response to the written statement.
  9. Rejoinder: The defendant’s reply to the replication.
  10. Issues: Points of contention identified for trial.
  11. Discovery: Process of obtaining evidence from the opposing party.
  12. Inspection: Examination of documents or property in question.
  13. Admission: Acknowledgement of facts or documents.
  14. Denial: Rejection of facts or documents.
  15. Affidavit: A written statement made under oath.
  16. Interrogatories: Written questions submitted by one party to the other.
  17. Evidence: Material presented to prove or disprove facts.
  18. Witness: A person who provides testimony in the case.
  19. Examination-in-Chief: Initial questioning of a witness by the party who called them.
  20. Cross-Examination: Questioning of a witness by the opposing party.
  21. Re-Examination: Further questioning of a witness by the party who called them, following cross-examination.
  22. Arguments: Summarization and presentation of the case by both parties.
  23. Judgment: The court’s decision on the case.
  24. Decree: The formal expression of the court’s judgment.
  25. Preliminary Decree: A decree that does not completely dispose of the suit.
  26. Final Decree: A decree that completely disposes of the suit.
  27. Ex Parte: Proceedings conducted in the absence of one party.
  28. Interlocutory: Temporary or interim orders made during the course of a suit.
  29. Temporary Injunction: A court order to temporarily restrain a party from doing an act.
  30. Permanent Injunction: A court order to permanently restrain a party from doing an act.
  31. Stay: A court order halting proceedings.
  32. Appeal: A request to a higher court to review the decision of a lower court.
  33. Revision: A higher court’s re-examination of a lower court’s decision.
  34. Review: Reconsideration of a court’s judgment by the same court.
  35. Execution: Process of enforcing a court’s decree.
  36. Attachment: Seizing of property to satisfy a decree.
  37. Bailiff: A court officer who carries out orders of the court.
  38. Partition: Division of property among co-owners.
  39. Mesne Profits: Profits earned by a person in wrongful possession of property.
  40. Set-Off: Claim by a defendant against the plaintiff to counterbalance the plaintiff’s claim.
  41. Counterclaim: A claim made by a defendant against the plaintiff in the same proceedings.
  42. Amendment: Modification of pleadings.
  43. Costs: Expenses awarded by the court.
  44. Notice: Formal communication informing a party of legal proceedings.
  45. Pre-Trial: Activities conducted before the trial begins.
  46. Trial: The examination and determination of a case in court.
  47. Post-Trial: Activities conducted after the trial.
  48. Summons for Judgment: Summons issued to expedite judgment.
  49. Preliminary Issue: An issue that must be decided before others.
  50. Restitution: Restoration of rights or property to the rightful owner.
  51. Adjournment: Postponement of court proceedings.
  52. Compromise: Agreement between parties to settle a dispute.
  53. Withdrawal: Plaintiff’s act of discontinuing a suit.
  54. Dismissal: Termination of a case without a trial.
  55. Caveat: Notice given to the court not to take a specified action without informing the party.
  56. Perjury: Lying under oath.
  57. Limitation: The prescribed time within which legal action must be taken.
  58. Res Judicata: Doctrine preventing re-litigation of the same issue.
  59. Subpoena: A court order requiring a person to attend court.
  60. Injunction: A court order preventing a party from performing a specific act.
  61. Plaintiff’s Burden: Obligation of the plaintiff to prove their case.
  62. Defendant’s Burden: Obligation of the defendant to prove defenses.
  63. Rebuttal: Evidence presented to counter the opposing party’s evidence.
  64. Material Facts: Facts essential to the case.
  65. Pleadings: Formal written statements of the parties’ claims and defenses.
  66. Suit for Partition: Legal action to divide jointly owned property.
  67. Suit for Possession: Legal action to recover property.
  68. Suit for Declaration: Legal action to determine the rights of the parties.
  69. Suit for Specific Performance: Legal action to compel performance of a contract.
  70. CPC Section 9: Jurisdiction of civil courts.
  71. CPC Order 6: Pleadings generally.
  72. CPC Order 7: Plaint.
  73. CPC Order 8: Written statement, set-off, and counterclaim.
  74. CPC Order 9: Appearance of parties and consequences of non-appearance.
  75. CPC Order 11: Discovery and inspection.
  76. CPC Order 12: Admissions.
  77. CPC Order 13: Production, impounding, and return of documents.
  78. CPC Order 14: Settlement of issues and determination thereof.
  79. CPC Order 15: Disposal of the suit at the first hearing.
  80. CPC Order 16: Summoning and attendance of witnesses.
  81. CPC Order 17: Adjournments.
  82. CPC Order 18: Hearing of the suit and examination of witnesses.
  83. CPC Order 20: Judgment and decree.
  84. CPC Order 21: Execution of decrees and orders.
  85. CPC Order 22: Death, marriage, and insolvency of parties.
  86. CPC Order 23: Withdrawal and adjustment of suits.
  87. CPC Order 24: Payment into court.
  88. CPC Order 25: Security for costs.
  89. CPC Order 26: Commissions.
  90. CPC Order 27: Suits by or against the Government or public officers.
  91. CPC Order 28: Suits by or against military or naval men or airmen.
  92. CPC Order 29: Suits by or against corporations.
  93. CPC Order 30: Suits by or against firms and persons carrying on business in names other than their own.
  94. CPC Order 31: Suits by or against trustees, executors, and administrators.
  95. CPC Order 32: Suits by or against minors and persons of unsound mind.
  96. CPC Order 33: Suits by indigent persons.
  97. CPC Order 34: Suits relating to mortgages of immovable property.
  98. CPC Order 35: Interpleader.
  99. CPC Order 36: Special case.
  100. CPC Order 37: Summary procedure.
  101. CPC Order 38: Arrest and attachment before judgment.
  102. CPC Order 39: Temporary injunctions and interlocutory orders.
  103. CPC Order 40: Appointment of receivers.
  104. CPC Order 41: Appeals from original decrees.
  105. CPC Order 42: Appeals from appellate decrees.
  106. CPC Order 43: Appeals from orders.
  107. CPC Order 44: Appeals by indigent persons.
  108. CPC Order 45: Appeals to the Supreme Court.
  109. CPC Order 46: Reference.
  110. CPC Order 47: Review.
  111. CPC Order 48: Miscellaneous.
  112. Decree-Holder: The person in whose favor a decree has been passed.
  113. Judgment-Debtor: The person against whom a decree has been passed.
  114. Court Fees: Fees paid to the court for filing a suit.
  115. Valuation: Assessment of the value of the subject matter of the suit.
  116. Institution: Filing and registering a suit in court.
  117. Pendency: The state of a suit being under trial.
  118. Disposal: Conclusion of a suit by judgment or order.
  119. Mediation: A method of resolving disputes outside the courtroom.
  120. Arbitration: A form of alternative dispute resolution where an arbitrator decides the case.
  121. Conciliation: A process where a conciliator assists parties to settle disputes.
  122. Suit: A civil action brought in a court of law.
  123. Claim: A demand for something due or believed to be due.
  124. Relief: The remedy or compensation sought in a suit.
  125. Plaintive: Relating to the plaintiff.
  126. Litigation: The process of taking legal action.
  127. Forum: The court or tribunal where a case is heard.
  128. Tribunal: A body established to settle certain types of disputes.
  129. Cause of Action: The fact or combination of facts giving rise to a right to sue.
  130. Doctrine of Estoppel: Prevents a person from denying facts they have previously affirmed.
  131. Lis Pendens: Pending suit; the principle that a dispute once initiated remains in effect until resolved.
  132. Perpetual Injunction: An injunction to permanently prevent an act.
  133. Declaratory Relief: A judgment that determines the rights of parties without ordering anything be done or awarding damages.
  134. Receivership: Court appointment of a receiver to manage the property of others.
  135. Trustee: A person holding property in trust for another.
  136. Executor: A person appointed to execute a will.
  137. Administrator: A person appointed by the court to administer the estate of a deceased person.
  138. Mortgage: A legal agreement by which a bank or creditor lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor’s property.
  139. Laches: An unreasonable delay in pursuing a right or claim.
  140. Fraud: Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  141. Misrepresentation: A false statement of fact made to induce another party into a contract.
  142. Conversion: Unauthorized act that deprives an owner of personal property.
  143. Defamation: The action of damaging the good reputation of someone.
  144. Malicious Prosecution: Legal action with intent to harm without probable cause.
  145. Nominal Damages: Small amount of money awarded to recognize that a legal wrong has occurred.
  146. Punitive Damages: Compensation exceeding simple compensation to punish the defendant.
  147. Compensatory Damages: Money awarded to a plaintiff to compensate for damages, injury, or another incurred loss.
  148. Tort: A wrongful act leading to legal liability.
  149. Negligence: Failure to take proper care in doing something.
  150. Breach of Contract: Violation of any terms or conditions in a contract without legal excuse.

These terms encompass key aspects and stages of civil suits and are vital for understanding and navigating the legal processes involved.

Advocate Paresh M Modi excels in managing complex litigation, ensuring justice through detailed procedural compliance. His commitment to ethical practice and client satisfaction cements his reputation as a premier civil advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat. Call now to book the Appointment, Mo. 9925002031


Categories Civil Lawyer

Arbitration Advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Civil Lawyer In Ahmedabad Gujarat | Advocate Paresh M Modi

Civil Lawyer In Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Arbitration Advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat | Advocate Paresh M Modi

Civil law is a wide law, in simple terms which is not criminal law, is civil law, majorly the litigation comes from the property either movable or immovable. Property Lawyers or Civil lawyers are commonly known as a litigator.

A Civil lawyer is hired by a client to pursue or defend a civil lawsuit / Property Dispute / Possession Issues / Landlord-Tenant Dispute / Basic Rights of Air water and electricity / Personal Injuries / Compensation / Profit and Loss Dispute, etc.

Arbitration Act Lawyer in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Arbitration and Conciliation Case Advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat | Advocate Paresh M Modi

Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 is the different Act with different Jurisdiction. Suit may file either in Civil Court or before the Court of Honorable Arbitrator.  A Civil lawsuit can arise in many different areas of law and often concerns the recovery of money (thus you need Bank Lawyer) or movable, immovable property (Need Property Lawyer) or defamation, personal injuries, business-related issues or financial transactions (you need Civil Advocate) Land Revenue Matter SSRD Matter or possession issue (you need Land Revenue Advocate), ownership disputes, rights in Ancestral Property  (you need Property Advocate), Sale deed, Rent Agreement, Lease Deed, Title Clearance and Title Certificate, Search Report, Affidavit, Power of Attorney, Declaration, Undertaking Bond (you need Real Estate Advocate)  landlord-tenant issue (you need Landlord Tenant Advocate) The Real Estate Regulation and Development Act 2016 related matter, Real Estate Regulatory Authority Act 2017, RERA Act Law (Need RERA Advocate). Family Law related issue (Need Family Advocate, Court Marriage Lawyer, Divorce Lawyer, Will Vasiyat Lawyer) immigration law (Need Immigration Lawyer) Succession Certificate and Probate, The Indian Succession Act 192, The Hindu Succession Act 1956 and Provision of Succession and inheritance under Muslim law related matter (Need Succession Act Lawyer) Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (Need Arbitration Act Advocate) employment employer issues (you Need Labour and Industrial Lawyer).

In Addition:

Best Civil Advocate Paresh M Modi, based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, exemplifies unparalleled expertise in civil litigations. His profound understanding of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) and dedication to client advocacy ensure comprehensive legal solutions. Specializing in matters like property disputes, injunctions, specific performance, and contract enforcement, Advocate Modi adeptly handles plaints, written statements, and replication. His proficiency in dealing with civil suits, appeals, and revisions, along with his strategic use of temporary and permanent injunctions, guarantees favorable outcomes. With meticulous attention to jurisdictional challenges and interim relief applications, Advocate Modi excels in managing complex litigation, ensuring justice through detailed procedural compliance. His commitment to ethical practice and client satisfaction cements his reputation as a premier civil advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat.


Stages of Civil Suits

The procedure in civil suits, governed by the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), involves a series of well-defined stages, each crucial for the orderly and fair adjudication of disputes. Here is a detailed overview of each stage :

  1. Institution of Suit

A civil suit begins with the filing of a plaint, a formal written complaint by the plaintiff outlining the facts of the case, the cause of action, and the relief sought. The plaint must comply with the prescribed format and be accompanied by the necessary court fees and documents.

  1. Service of Summons

Once the plaint is filed, the court issues summons to the defendant, directing them to appear before the court and respond to the allegations. The summons, along with a copy of the plaint, must be served on the defendant, ensuring they have adequate notice of the proceedings.

  1. Written Statement

The defendant is required to file a written statement, responding to the allegations made in the plaint. The written statement must specifically deny or admit the allegations, and can also include any additional facts constituting a defense. This document sets the stage for identifying the contentious issues.

  1. Replication and Rejoinder

In some cases, the plaintiff may file a replication in response to the defendant’s written statement, reiterating their claims and addressing any new facts introduced by the defendant. This may be followed by a rejoinder from the defendant, further refining the points of contention.

  1. Framing of Issues

The court examines the plaint, written statement, and any subsequent pleadings to frame issues. These issues represent the disputed points that need to be resolved during the trial. Proper framing of issues is critical, as it delineates the scope of the trial.

  1. Discovery and Inspection

Both parties are entitled to request the discovery of documents and other evidence in possession of the other party. This stage involves the inspection of documents, examination of witnesses, and submission of interrogatories to clarify facts and gather relevant information.

  1. Admission and Denial of Documents

The parties are required to admit or deny the documents presented by the opposing side. This process helps streamline the trial by identifying the undisputed documents and focusing on the contested ones.

  1. Examination of Witnesses

During the trial, the parties present their evidence through the examination of witnesses. This involves three stages: examination-in-chief, where the witness provides their testimony; cross-examination, where the opposing counsel questions the witness; and re-examination, which allows clarification of points raised during cross-examination.

  1. Arguments

After the evidence is presented, both parties make their arguments before the court. The plaintiff’s counsel typically opens the arguments, followed by the defendant’s counsel. The arguments summarize the evidence, highlight key points, and present legal precedents supporting each party’s case.

  1. Judgment

Once the arguments are concluded, the court delivers its judgment. The judgment must address each issue framed, provide reasons for the court’s decision, and specify the relief granted or denied. The judgment is the final determination of the rights of the parties in the suit.

  1. Decree

A formal expression of the court’s decision, the decree, follows the judgment. It sets out the outcome of the suit, detailing the relief granted to the successful party. The decree must be drawn up accurately, reflecting the judgment’s content.

  1. Appeal

If a party is dissatisfied with the judgment, they may file an appeal to a higher court. The appellate court reviews the lower court’s decision, examining the records and hearing arguments to determine if there were any legal errors. Depending on the outcome, the appellate court may uphold, modify, or reverse the lower court’s judgment.

  1. Execution of Decree

Once the decree becomes final, the successful party can initiate execution proceedings to enforce the decree. This may involve attachment and sale of the judgment debtor’s property, arrest and detention, or other measures to ensure compliance with the court’s order.

  1. Review and Revision

In certain circumstances, parties may seek a review of the judgment from the same court if new evidence emerges or if there is an apparent error. Additionally, a higher court may exercise revisionary jurisdiction to correct jurisdictional errors or grave irregularities in the lower court’s proceedings.

Each stage in the procedure of civil suits is designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and justice. Adherence to these procedural steps is essential for the effective resolution of civil disputes, providing a structured framework for the parties to present their case and obtain a fair adjudication.


Top Using Words in civil suits

 Here are the top 150 words related to civil suits and the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), along with brief explanations:

  1. Plaint: The written statement of the plaintiff’s claims.
  2. Defendant: The party against whom the suit is filed.
  3. Plaintiff: The party who initiates the suit.
  4. Jurisdiction: The authority of a court to hear a case.
  5. Summons: A document issued by the court directing a party to appear.
  6. Service of Summons: Delivery of summons to the defendant.
  7. Written Statement: The defendant’s reply to the plaint.
  8. Replication: The plaintiff’s response to the written statement.
  9. Rejoinder: The defendant’s reply to the replication.
  10. Issues: Points of contention identified for trial.
  11. Discovery: Process of obtaining evidence from the opposing party.
  12. Inspection: Examination of documents or property in question.
  13. Admission: Acknowledgement of facts or documents.
  14. Denial: Rejection of facts or documents.
  15. Affidavit: A written statement made under oath.
  16. Interrogatories: Written questions submitted by one party to the other.
  17. Evidence: Material presented to prove or disprove facts.
  18. Witness: A person who provides testimony in the case.
  19. Examination-in-Chief: Initial questioning of a witness by the party who called them.
  20. Cross-Examination: Questioning of a witness by the opposing party.
  21. Re-Examination: Further questioning of a witness by the party who called them, following cross-examination.
  22. Arguments: Summarization and presentation of the case by both parties.
  23. Judgment: The court’s decision on the case.
  24. Decree: The formal expression of the court’s judgment.
  25. Preliminary Decree: A decree that does not completely dispose of the suit.
  26. Final Decree: A decree that completely disposes of the suit.
  27. Ex Parte: Proceedings conducted in the absence of one party.
  28. Interlocutory: Temporary or interim orders made during the course of a suit.
  29. Temporary Injunction: A court order to temporarily restrain a party from doing an act.
  30. Permanent Injunction: A court order to permanently restrain a party from doing an act.
  31. Stay: A court order halting proceedings.
  32. Appeal: A request to a higher court to review the decision of a lower court.
  33. Revision: A higher court’s re-examination of a lower court’s decision.
  34. Review: Reconsideration of a court’s judgment by the same court.
  35. Execution: Process of enforcing a court’s decree.
  36. Attachment: Seizing of property to satisfy a decree.
  37. Bailiff: A court officer who carries out orders of the court.
  38. Partition: Division of property among co-owners.
  39. Mesne Profits: Profits earned by a person in wrongful possession of property.
  40. Set-Off: Claim by a defendant against the plaintiff to counterbalance the plaintiff’s claim.
  41. Counterclaim: A claim made by a defendant against the plaintiff in the same proceedings.
  42. Amendment: Modification of pleadings.
  43. Costs: Expenses awarded by the court.
  44. Notice: Formal communication informing a party of legal proceedings.
  45. Pre-Trial: Activities conducted before the trial begins.
  46. Trial: The examination and determination of a case in court.
  47. Post-Trial: Activities conducted after the trial.
  48. Summons for Judgment: Summons issued to expedite judgment.
  49. Preliminary Issue: An issue that must be decided before others.
  50. Restitution: Restoration of rights or property to the rightful owner.
  51. Adjournment: Postponement of court proceedings.
  52. Compromise: Agreement between parties to settle a dispute.
  53. Withdrawal: Plaintiff’s act of discontinuing a suit.
  54. Dismissal: Termination of a case without a trial.
  55. Caveat: Notice given to the court not to take a specified action without informing the party.
  56. Perjury: Lying under oath.
  57. Limitation: The prescribed time within which legal action must be taken.
  58. Res Judicata: Doctrine preventing re-litigation of the same issue.
  59. Subpoena: A court order requiring a person to attend court.
  60. Injunction: A court order preventing a party from performing a specific act.
  61. Plaintiff’s Burden: Obligation of the plaintiff to prove their case.
  62. Defendant’s Burden: Obligation of the defendant to prove defenses.
  63. Rebuttal: Evidence presented to counter the opposing party’s evidence.
  64. Material Facts: Facts essential to the case.
  65. Pleadings: Formal written statements of the parties’ claims and defenses.
  66. Suit for Partition: Legal action to divide jointly owned property.
  67. Suit for Possession: Legal action to recover property.
  68. Suit for Declaration: Legal action to determine the rights of the parties.
  69. Suit for Specific Performance: Legal action to compel performance of a contract.
  70. CPC Section 9: Jurisdiction of civil courts.
  71. CPC Order 6: Pleadings generally.
  72. CPC Order 7: Plaint.
  73. CPC Order 8: Written statement, set-off, and counterclaim.
  74. CPC Order 9: Appearance of parties and consequences of non-appearance.
  75. CPC Order 11: Discovery and inspection.
  76. CPC Order 12: Admissions.
  77. CPC Order 13: Production, impounding, and return of documents.
  78. CPC Order 14: Settlement of issues and determination thereof.
  79. CPC Order 15: Disposal of the suit at the first hearing.
  80. CPC Order 16: Summoning and attendance of witnesses.
  81. CPC Order 17: Adjournments.
  82. CPC Order 18: Hearing of the suit and examination of witnesses.
  83. CPC Order 20: Judgment and decree.
  84. CPC Order 21: Execution of decrees and orders.
  85. CPC Order 22: Death, marriage, and insolvency of parties.
  86. CPC Order 23: Withdrawal and adjustment of suits.
  87. CPC Order 24: Payment into court.
  88. CPC Order 25: Security for costs.
  89. CPC Order 26: Commissions.
  90. CPC Order 27: Suits by or against the Government or public officers.
  91. CPC Order 28: Suits by or against military or naval men or airmen.
  92. CPC Order 29: Suits by or against corporations.
  93. CPC Order 30: Suits by or against firms and persons carrying on business in names other than their own.
  94. CPC Order 31: Suits by or against trustees, executors, and administrators.
  95. CPC Order 32: Suits by or against minors and persons of unsound mind.
  96. CPC Order 33: Suits by indigent persons.
  97. CPC Order 34: Suits relating to mortgages of immovable property.
  98. CPC Order 35: Interpleader.
  99. CPC Order 36: Special case.
  100. CPC Order 37: Summary procedure.
  101. CPC Order 38: Arrest and attachment before judgment.
  102. CPC Order 39: Temporary injunctions and interlocutory orders.
  103. CPC Order 40: Appointment of receivers.
  104. CPC Order 41: Appeals from original decrees.
  105. CPC Order 42: Appeals from appellate decrees.
  106. CPC Order 43: Appeals from orders.
  107. CPC Order 44: Appeals by indigent persons.
  108. CPC Order 45: Appeals to the Supreme Court.
  109. CPC Order 46: Reference.
  110. CPC Order 47: Review.
  111. CPC Order 48: Miscellaneous.
  112. Decree-Holder: The person in whose favor a decree has been passed.
  113. Judgment-Debtor: The person against whom a decree has been passed.
  114. Court Fees: Fees paid to the court for filing a suit.
  115. Valuation: Assessment of the value of the subject matter of the suit.
  116. Institution: Filing and registering a suit in court.
  117. Pendency: The state of a suit being under trial.
  118. Disposal: Conclusion of a suit by judgment or order.
  119. Mediation: A method of resolving disputes outside the courtroom.
  120. Arbitration: A form of alternative dispute resolution where an arbitrator decides the case.
  121. Conciliation: A process where a conciliator assists parties to settle disputes.
  122. Suit: A civil action brought in a court of law.
  123. Claim: A demand for something due or believed to be due.
  124. Relief: The remedy or compensation sought in a suit.
  125. Plaintive: Relating to the plaintiff.
  126. Litigation: The process of taking legal action.
  127. Forum: The court or tribunal where a case is heard.
  128. Tribunal: A body established to settle certain types of disputes.
  129. Cause of Action: The fact or combination of facts giving rise to a right to sue.
  130. Doctrine of Estoppel: Prevents a person from denying facts they have previously affirmed.
  131. Lis Pendens: Pending suit; the principle that a dispute once initiated remains in effect until resolved.
  132. Perpetual Injunction: An injunction to permanently prevent an act.
  133. Declaratory Relief: A judgment that determines the rights of parties without ordering anything be done or awarding damages.
  134. Receivership: Court appointment of a receiver to manage the property of others.
  135. Trustee: A person holding property in trust for another.
  136. Executor: A person appointed to execute a will.
  137. Administrator: A person appointed by the court to administer the estate of a deceased person.
  138. Mortgage: A legal agreement by which a bank or creditor lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor’s property.
  139. Laches: An unreasonable delay in pursuing a right or claim.
  140. Fraud: Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  141. Misrepresentation: A false statement of fact made to induce another party into a contract.
  142. Conversion: Unauthorized act that deprives an owner of personal property.
  143. Defamation: The action of damaging the good reputation of someone.
  144. Malicious Prosecution: Legal action with intent to harm without probable cause.
  145. Nominal Damages: Small amount of money awarded to recognize that a legal wrong has occurred.
  146. Punitive Damages: Compensation exceeding simple compensation to punish the defendant.
  147. Compensatory Damages: Money awarded to a plaintiff to compensate for damages, injury, or another incurred loss.
  148. Tort: A wrongful act leading to legal liability.
  149. Negligence: Failure to take proper care in doing something.
  150. Breach of Contract: Violation of any terms or conditions in a contract without legal excuse.

These terms encompass key aspects and stages of civil suits and are vital for understanding and navigating the legal processes involved.

Advocate Paresh M Modi, the best lawyer in Ahmedabad Gujarat, helps legalize your case in your favor by explaining the definitions of legal terms and their various meanings in the context of the Civil Procedure Code. Call and Book the Appointment Mobile 9925002031