Bank Account Unfreeze Process | Debit Freeze Bank Account by Cyber Crime Police Station? Don’t Worry Solution is here | Advocate Paresh M Modi
Video No:- 1
जानिए आपका बैंक एकाउंट कहा से, कोन से राज्य के, कोन से शहर के कौन से पुलिस थाने से, फ्रिज हुआ है,
Video No:2
कोन से पुलिस थाने जाना है? जाना ही पड़ेगा वहा?
Video No: – 3,
आप चाहे कही पर भी रहते हो, और फरियाद आपके घर से या शहर से कितना भी दूर हो, पर जहा से ये फरियाद हुआ है और आपका बैंक एकाउंट फ्रीज हुआ है, आपको वो पुलिस थाने, वो शहर, वो राज्य में जाना ही पड़ेगा, कोई भी पुलिस या डिपार्टमेंट आपके फोन या ई मेल का जवाब शायद ही देती है, मतलब आपको वहा जाना ही पड़ेगा, वो लोग ही चाहते है की आप वहा जाओ इस लिए ही आपको फोन या ई-मेल से जवाब नही दिया जाता…
Video No -4
ये वीडियो देख लीजिए, अगर आप नही आ सकते तो आपका कोई फेमिली मेंबर्स भी आ सकता है और अगर फरियादी को उसका पैसा लौटा देंगे तो भी आपको अपने बैंक एकाउंट को अन फ्रीज का प्रोसेस करने के लिए भी जहा पर ये फरियाद हुई है वो लोकल पुलिस थाने जाना पड़ेगा
Video No- 5
अगर आप वहा वो पुलिस थाने नही जाना चाहते और कोई ऑनलाइन पैसे देकर एकाउंट अन फ्रीज की लालच में ऑनलाइन के चक्कर में पड़ते हो तो अब आपके साथ क्या होगा? इस लिए आपको यह डॉक्यूमेंट्स लेकर खुद ही जाना है,
Video No- 6
आगे के 5 video देखे होंगे तो ही आपको आगे के Video No. 6-7-8 समझ में आयेंगे, ऐसे प्रोसेस करना है आपको आपका बैंक अकाउंट अन फ्रीज करने के लिए, जानिए बैंक अकाउंट अन फ्रीज का प्रोसेस…
Video No- 7,
क्रम के मुताबिक ही आप मेरे वीडियो को देखे, जैसे की Video No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 और इससे भी आगे के दूसरे वीडियो… अगर आपका बहुत ही छोटा सा अमाउंट फस गया है, और आपका बैंक एकाउंट लियन या होल्ड या फ्रिज हो गया है और आप यहां वहा दूर तक जाना नही चाहते, दूर दूर के पुलिस थाने जाना नही चाहते, तो ये वीडियो देख लीजिए, आपका बैंक खाता ऐसे पड़े पड़े भी unfreez हो सकता है, वीडियो में जो बताया है उसे सखताई से फोलो करें और अच्छा खासा समय राह देखिए…
Video No-8.
अगर आपने BINANCE, P2P, GAME WITHDRAWAL, FOREIGN MONEY EXCHANGE, फॉरेन से अपने घर वालो को इंडियन बैंक अकाउंट से पेमेंट भेजना, Third Party Account se Payment Lena, Account Use ke liye De Dena, खुद का बैंक एकाउंट बेच देना, ऐसा कोई काम जाने अंजाने में कर दिया है और अब आपका अकाउंट फ्रीज हो गया है या आपके ऊपर FIR हो गई है या आपको पुलिसने CRPC 41-A का नोटिस दिया है, तो आपको यह वीडियो बार बार देखना होगा और समझना होगा….
Video No-9,
आपको मेरे हर एक वीडियो को Video No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 को क्रम के मुताबिक ही देखना है और समझना है वरना आप कंफ्यूज हो सकते हो. आपको आपके बैंक अकाउंट फ्रीज होने के बाद जो सवाल हो रहे है यहां उसका जवाब मिल जायेगा, ये भी देख लीजिए और आपके दोस्तो से, रिलेटिव से, गांव वालो को, सोसायटी वालो को और आपकी तरह बैंक अकाउंट फ्रीज होने से दुखी होने वाले दूसरे इंसानों को मेरे यह वीडियो दिखाना चाहिए और आपके फेसबुक, वोट्सअप इंस्टाग्राम के ऊपर मेरे यह वीडियो और चैनल को शेर करना चाहिए, जिससे आपको भी लोगो की मदद करने का संतोष मिलेगा, पुण्य मिलेगा..
Video No-10.,
आपके बैंक अकाउंट फ्रिज हुआ और अब अन फ्रीज करवाना है, इस बात का मेरा यह सबसे पहला बनाया गया वीडियो आज भी लोगो के मन को शांत करता है और उनको मार्गदर्शन देता है…
Video No. 11 अगर आपको साइबर क्राइम से बचना है तो इतना ध्यान रखे…
Video No. 12.
All details regarding the unfreeze of the bank account, special for South Indian People and Non-Indian People,
Video No. 13,
Video No. 14
हर प्रकार के फ्रोड से बचने के लिये इतना ख्याल हमेशा रखे…
Video No. 15.
ये वीडियो को सब से लास्ट में देखना.. मुझे फोन करने से पहले ये वीडियो जरूर देख लेना…
Cyber Crime Advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Cyber Fraud Lawyer In Ahmedabad Gujarat
For Deferent type of Cyber Fraud, Cyber Crime, Bank Account Freeze, Debit Freeze Bank Account, Account Freeze by Cyber Crime Gujarat Gandhinagar, How to unfreeze my bank account Case and Social Media Fraud you can see the You tube Channel of Advocate Paresh M Modi.
The information technology Act 2000 is very much essential law in present fast track human life full of technology, as every thing has two sides like plus and minus point. Cyber crime is the outcome of the technological knowledge when the person used the knowledge for the criminal intense or with a men’s rea. Cyber security is the most important in the present techno world. People knowingly or unknowingly fall into cyber crime as an accused or a victim.
Cyber crime happened with all-new ways of technology especially cyber crime happened with the help of the internet, computer, mobile, and other software applications like any desk, Quick services, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram, you tube, and many more. As a cyber crime lawyer in Ahmedabad, Advocate Paresh M Modi and Associates are providing the legal services and handling the entire case from Anticipatory bail to the entire trail.
Expertise :
As a Cyber crime case expert advocates and Lawyers, we have enough experience and we know how to handle the entire process to defend our client from Bail, Remand, Cross inquiry, Objections, Evidences, Forensic science laboratories report, witnesses during the cross-examination and also know how to identify weak section of the FIR and Charge sheet if, Our team of best Cyber crime lawyers in Gujarat, are handling the entire criminal process at the police station as well as Trial court, Session Court and high court. Due to a team of good experience cyber crime advocates, we have proven records of some benchmark cases.
Offer :
As a best law firm of Ahmedabad, we are offering legal services for all criminal cases in Ahmedabad, Gujarat state and providing Cyber crime Advocates, Cyber Crime Lawyers, and It expert Advocates, as well as file the petition for anticipatory Bail, Regular Bail, Interim Bail, cancellation of Bail and Trial.
Result or Benefits :
Our clients will get good services from specialized cyber crime lawyers of Gujarat, Best Advocates and Councilors of Ahmedabad, will get good guidance, as well as result-oriented based efforts and thus our good lawyer’s team, may be able to get a good result of case and keep attention for lesser loss of our client, Our An experienced Criminal lawyers / cyber crime Lawyers may give you the best options for your case either you are a victim or Accused and defend your case at court or any tribunals and Gujarat high Court. He is the Best Lawyer near me for Civil Criminal and Family Matter in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Bank Account Freeze, Misuse of Data, Data Theft, Online Fraud, Account Hack, OTP Fraud, work from home fraud, Duplicate App Fraud? In Ahmedabad Advocate Paresh Modi Will help U,
Artificial Intelligence Technology, Artificial Voice and Face Technology misuse, Bank Account Freeze, Misuse of Data, Data Theft, Online Fraud, Account Hack, OTP Fraud, Loan App Fraud, AI Technology Misuse? Advocate Paresh Modi Will help you In Ahmedabad, Call Now: 9925002031.
अहमदाबाद गुजरात में साइबर अपराध केस के वकील | अहमदाबाद गुजरात में साइबर धोखाधड़ी केस के एडवोकेट । 9925002031
अहमदाबाद गांधीनगर गुजरात में साइबर अपराध वकील | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi
विभिन्न प्रकार की साइबर धोखाधड़ी, साइबर अपराध, बैंक खाता फ़्रीज़ केस और सोशल मीडिया धोखाधड़ी के लिए आप एडवोकेट परेश एम मोदी का यूट्यूब चैनल देख सकते हैं।
प्रौद्योगिकी से परिपूर्ण वर्तमान फास्ट ट्रैक मानव जीवन में सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी अधिनियम 2000 बहुत ही आवश्यक कानून है, क्योंकि हर चीज के प्लस और माइनस प्वाइंट जैसे दो पहलू होते हैं। साइबर अपराध तकनीकी ज्ञान का परिणाम है जब व्यक्ति ने ज्ञान का उपयोग तीव्र या आपराधिक इरादे से किया। वर्तमान तकनीकी जगत में साइबर सुरक्षा सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है। लोग जानबूझकर या अनजाने में आरोपी या पीड़ित के रूप में साइबर अपराध में फंस जाते हैं।
साइबर अपराध प्रौद्योगिकी के सभी नए तरीकों के साथ हुआ, विशेष रूप से साइबर अपराध इंटरनेट, कंप्यूटर, मोबाइल और अन्य सॉफ्टवेयर एप्लिकेशन जैसे किसी भी डेस्क, त्वरित सेवाओं, फेसबुक, व्हाट्सएप, ट्विटर, लिंक्ड इन, इंस्टाग्राम, यूट्यूब और की मदद से हुआ। बहुत अधिक। अहमदाबाद में एक साइबर अपराध वकील के रूप में, एडवोकेट परेश एम मोदी और एसोसिएट्स कानूनी सेवाएं प्रदान कर रहे हैं और अग्रिम जमानत से लेकर पूरे मामले को संभाल रहे हैं।
विशेषज्ञता :
एक साइबर अपराध मामले के विशेषज्ञ अधिवक्ता और वकील के रूप में, हमारे पास पर्याप्त अनुभव है और हम जानते हैं कि अपने ग्राहक को जमानत, रिमांड, क्रॉस पूछताछ, आपत्तियों, सबूतों, फोरेंसिक विज्ञान प्रयोगशालाओं की रिपोर्ट, जिरह के दौरान गवाहों से बचाने के लिए पूरी प्रक्रिया को कैसे संभालना है। और यह भी जानें कि एफआईआर और चार्ज शीट के कमजोर खंड की पहचान कैसे करें, अगर गुजरात में सर्वश्रेष्ठ साइबर अपराध वकीलों की हमारी टीम पुलिस स्टेशन के साथ-साथ ट्रायल कोर्ट, सत्र न्यायालय और उच्च न्यायालय में पूरी आपराधिक प्रक्रिया को संभाल रही है। अच्छे अनुभव वाले साइबर अपराध अधिवक्ताओं की एक टीम के कारण, हमारे पास कुछ बेंचमार्क मामलों के सिद्ध रिकॉर्ड हैं।
प्रस्ताव :
अहमदाबाद की सर्वश्रेष्ठ कानूनी फर्म के रूप में, हम अहमदाबाद, गुजरात राज्य में सभी आपराधिक मामलों के लिए कानूनी सेवाएं प्रदान कर रहे हैं और साइबर अपराध अधिवक्ता, साइबर अपराध वकील और आईटी विशेषज्ञ अधिवक्ता प्रदान कर रहे हैं, साथ ही अग्रिम जमानत, नियमित जमानत के लिए याचिका भी दायर कर रहे हैं। अंतरिम जमानत, जमानत और मुकदमे को रद्द करना।
परिणाम या लाभ:
हमारे ग्राहकों को गुजरात के विशेषज्ञ साइबर अपराध वकीलों, अहमदाबाद के सर्वश्रेष्ठ अधिवक्ताओं और पार्षदों से अच्छी सेवाएं मिलेंगी, उन्हें अच्छा मार्गदर्शन मिलेगा, साथ ही परिणाम-आधारित प्रयास भी होंगे और इस प्रकार हमारी अच्छी वकील की टीम, एक अच्छा परिणाम प्राप्त करने में सक्षम हो सकती है। मामले में और हमारे ग्राहक के कम नुकसान का ध्यान रखें, हमारे एक अनुभवी आपराधिक वकील / साइबर अपराध वकील आपको आपके मामले के लिए सर्वोत्तम विकल्प दे सकते हैं, चाहे आप पीड़ित हों या आरोपी हों और अदालत या किसी न्यायाधिकरण और गुजरात उच्च न्यायालय में आपके मामले का बचाव कर सकते हैं। वह अहमदाबाद, गुजरात में सिविल क्रिमिनल और पारिवारिक मामलों के लिए मेरे सबसे अच्छे वकील हैं।
आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस टेक्नोलॉजी, आर्टिफिशियल वॉयस और फेस टेक्नोलॉजी, बैंक खाता फ़्रीज़, डेटा का दुरुपयोग, डेटा चोरी, ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी, खाता हैक, ओटीपी धोखाधड़ी, ऋण ऐप धोखाधड़ी, एआई प्रौद्योगिकी का दुरुपयोग? एडवोकेट परेश मोदी अहमदाबाद में आपकी मदद करेंगे, अभी कॉल करें: 9925002031.
ગાંધીનગર અમદાવાદ ગુજરાતમાં સાયબર ક્રાઈમ એડવોકેટ | 9925002031 | ગાંધીનગર અમદાવાદ ગુજરાતમાં સાયબર ફ્રોડ વકીલ । એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી
સાયબર છેતરપિંડી, સાયબર ક્રાઈમ, બેંક એકાઉન્ટ ફ્રીઝ કેસ અને સોશિયલ મીડિયા ફ્રોડના વિવિધ પ્રકારો માટે તમે એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદીની યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલ જોઈ શકો છો.
માહિતી ટેકનોલોજી અધિનિયમ 2000 એ ટેકનોલોજીથી ભરપૂર વર્તમાન ફાસ્ટ ટ્રેક માનવ જીવનમાં ખૂબ જ જરૂરી કાયદો છે, કારણ કે દરેક વસ્તુની બે બાજુઓ છે જેમ કે પ્લસ અને માઈનસ પોઈન્ટ. સાયબર ક્રાઇમ એ તકનીકી જ્ઞાનનું પરિણામ છે જ્યારે વ્યક્તિએ જ્ઞાનનો ઉપયોગ ગુનાખોરીની તીવ્રતા માટે અથવા પુરુષોના કારણ સાથે કર્યો હોય. વર્તમાન ટેકનો વિશ્વમાં સાયબર સુરક્ષા સૌથી મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે. લોકો જાણતા-અજાણતા આરોપી કે પીડિતા તરીકે સાયબર ક્રાઈમમાં ફસાઈ જાય છે.
સાયબર ક્રાઇમ ટેક્નોલોજીની તમામ નવી રીતો સાથે થયો છે ખાસ કરીને સાયબર ક્રાઇમ ઇન્ટરનેટ, કોમ્પ્યુટર, મોબાઇલ અને અન્ય સોફ્ટવેર એપ્લિકેશન જેમ કે કોઈપણ ડેસ્ક, ઝડપી સેવાઓ, ફેસબુક, વોટ્સએપ, ટ્વિટર, લિંક્ડ ઇન, ઇન્સ્ટાગ્રામ, યુટ્યુબ અને બીજા ઘણા વધારે. અમદાવાદમાં સાયબર ક્રાઈમના વકીલ તરીકે એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી અને એસોસિએટ્સ કાયદાકીય સેવાઓ પૂરી પાડી રહ્યા છે અને આગોતરા જામીનથી લઈને સમગ્ર ટ્રાયલ સુધીના સમગ્ર કેસને સંભાળી રહ્યા છે.
સાયબર ક્રાઇમ કેસના નિષ્ણાત એડવોકેટ્સ અને વકીલો તરીકે, અમારી પાસે પૂરતો અનુભવ છે અને અમે જાણીએ છીએ કે અમારા ક્લાયન્ટને જામીન, રિમાન્ડ, ક્રોસ ઇન્ક્વાયરી, વાંધા, પુરાવા, ફોરેન્સિક સાયન્સ લેબોરેટરીના રિપોર્ટ, ઊલટતપાસ દરમિયાન સાક્ષીઓથી બચાવવા માટેની સમગ્ર પ્રક્રિયાને કેવી રીતે હેન્ડલ કરવી. અને એફઆઈઆર અને ચાર્જશીટના નબળા વિભાગને કેવી રીતે ઓળખવા તે પણ જાણો જો, ગુજરાતના શ્રેષ્ઠ સાયબર ક્રાઈમ વકીલોની અમારી ટીમ, પોલીસ સ્ટેશન તેમજ ટ્રાયલ કોર્ટ, સેશન કોર્ટ અને હાઈકોર્ટમાં સમગ્ર ફોજદારી પ્રક્રિયાનું સંચાલન કરી રહી છે. સાયબર ક્રાઈમ એડવોકેટ્સના સારા અનુભવની ટીમને કારણે, અમે કેટલાક બેન્ચમાર્ક કેસોના રેકોર્ડ સાબિત કર્યા છે.
અમદાવાદની શ્રેષ્ઠ કાયદાકીય પેઢી તરીકે, અમે અમદાવાદ, ગુજરાત રાજ્ય માં તમામ ફોજદારી કેસો માટે કાનૂની સેવાઓ પ્રદાન કરીએ છીએ અને સાયબર ક્રાઇમ એડવોકેટ્સ, સાયબર ક્રાઇમ વકીલો અને તે નિષ્ણાત એડવોકેટ્સ પ્રદાન કરીએ છીએ, તેમજ આગોતરા જામીન, નિયમિત જામીન, વચગાળાના જામીન, જામીન રદ કરવા અને ટ્રાયલ માટે અરજી દાખલ કરીએ છીએ.
પરિણામ અથવા લાભો:
અમારા ગ્રાહકોને ગુજરાતના વિશિષ્ટ સાયબર ક્રાઈમ વકીલો, અમદાવાદના શ્રેષ્ઠ વકીલો અને કાઉન્સિલરો પાસેથી સારી સેવાઓ મળશે, સારું માર્ગદર્શન મળશે, તેમજ પરિણામલક્ષી પ્રયત્નો થશે અને આ રીતે અમારી સારી વકીલની ટીમ, સારું પરિણામ મેળવી શકશે. કેસ અને અમારા ક્લાયંટના ઓછા નુકસાન માટે ધ્યાન રાખો, અમારા અનુભવી ક્રિમિનલ વકીલો / સાયબર ક્રાઇમ વકીલો તમને તમારા કેસ માટે શ્રેષ્ઠ વિકલ્પો આપી શકે છે કાં તો તમે પીડિત છો અથવા આરોપી છો અને કોર્ટ અથવા કોઈપણ ટ્રિબ્યુનલ અને ગુજરાત હાઈકોર્ટમાં તમારા કેસનો બચાવ કરી શકો છો. તેઓ અમદાવાદ, ગુજરાતમાં સિવિલ ક્રિમિનલ અને ફેમિલી મેટર માટે મારી નજીકના શ્રેષ્ઠ વકીલ છે.
આર્ટિફિશિયલ ઈન્ટેલિજન્સ ટેક્નોલોજી, આર્ટિફિશિયલ વોઈસ અને ફેસ ટેક્નોલોજીનો દુરુપયોગ, બેંક એકાઉન્ટ ફ્રીઝ, ડેટાનો દુરુપયોગ, ડેટા ચોરી, ઓનલાઈન છેતરપિંડી, એકાઉન્ટ હેક, ઓટીપી ફ્રોડ, લોન એપ ફ્રોડ, એઆઈ ટેક્નોલોજીનો દુરુપયોગ? એડવોકેટ પરેશ મોદી તમને અમદાવાદમાં મદદ કરશે, હવે કૉલ કરો: 9925002031.
Advocate Paresh M Modi, Gujarat High Court Advocate, with 7 years Experience May help you to Get Anticipatory bail, Regular bail for Any Criminal Case like PASA Act NDPS Act PMLA Act Case POCSO Case IT Act Cyber Crime Financial Fraud Case GST Case Anticorruption Case PCPNDT Act Case.
एडवोकेट परेश एम मोदी, गुजरात उच्च न्यायालय के वकील, आपको किसी भी आपराधिक मामले जैसे पीएएसए एक्ट, एनडीपीएस एक्ट, पीएमएलए एक्ट केस, पोक्सो केस, आईटी एक्ट, साइबर क्राइम, वित्तीय धोखाधड़ी केस, जीएसटी केस, भ्रष्टाचार विरोधी केस, पीसीपीएनडीटी एक्ट केस के लिए अग्रिम जमानत, नियमित जमानत दिलाने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી, ગુજરાત હાઇકોર્ટના એડવોકેટ, તમને આગોતરા જામીન મેળવવામાં મદદ કરી શકે છે, PASA એક્ટ NDPS એક્ટ PMLA એક્ટ કેસ POCSO કેસ આઇટી એક્ટ સાયબર ક્રાઇમ નાણાકીય છેતરપિંડી કેસ GST કેસ એન્ટી કરપ્શન કેસ PCPNDT એક્ટ કેસ જેવા કોઈપણ ફોજદારી કેસ માટે નિયમિત જામીન મેળવવામાં મદદ કરી શકે છે.
If you are facing an account freeze for any reason, it’s important to contact your bank immediately to understand the specific reason and if the bank account had been freeze due to got a notice of cyber cell police to the bank then immediately contact the Top Advocate Paresh M Modi, who may help you to take appropriate steps and resolved the issues. he is handling the bank Account unfreeze cases in Ahmedabad Gandhinagar Surat Rajkot Vadodara (Gujarat) Hyderabad (Telangana) and Bangalore (Karnataka)
A bank is a financial institution licensed to accept deposits, provide loans, and offer services like savings accounts, investment products, and credit facilities.
An account is a financial record maintained by a bank or financial service provider, detailing transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and balances.
Freeze refers to the restriction placed on a bank account or asset, preventing withdrawals or transactions due to legal, regulatory, or investigatory actions.
Unfreeze is the process of lifting a freeze on a bank account or asset, allowing normal transactions to resume.
A hold on an account is a temporary restriction that prevents the account holder from accessing funds for specific reasons, such as pending verifications or legal orders.
A lien is a legal claim or right over a property or asset to secure repayment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation.
Debit refers to the withdrawal or deduction of funds from a bank account, recorded as a transaction.
Mark signifies a label or identification placed on an account or transaction, often for tracking or legal purposes.
Cyber pertains to the internet, digital technology, and virtual platforms, often associated with online security and digital transactions.
A crime is an unlawful act punishable by law, ranging from theft and fraud to cyber offenses.
Law is a system of rules established by a government to maintain order, protect citizens, and resolve disputes.
An act is a formal law passed by a legislative body that governs specific areas, such as the Cyber Crime Act or Negotiable Instruments Act.
A process is a systematic series of steps undertaken to complete a legal, technical, or operational task.
A solution refers to a method or approach to resolving a problem or addressing an issue.
Issues are challenges, disputes, or concerns that require attention or resolution.
A problem is a situation or condition that causes difficulty or requires intervention to solve.
The Crime Investigation Department (CID) is a specialized law enforcement agency that handles high-profile and complex criminal investigations.
Cyber Cell
A Cyber Cell is a dedicated police department focusing on cybercrime investigations, including fraud, hacking, and online scams.
Mule Account
A mule account is a bank account used by individuals to transfer illegal funds, often unknowingly, on behalf of cybercriminals.
Seize refers to the act of law enforcement taking possession of property, funds, or assets as part of an investigation or legal action.
The police are law enforcement officials tasked with maintaining public order, enforcing laws, and investigating crimes.
Police Station
A police station is a local office where citizens can report crimes, and police operations are managed.
A department is an organizational unit within a government or private entity responsible for specific functions or tasks.
Lawyers are legal professionals who provide advice, represent clients in courts, and handle legal matters.
Advocates are specialized legal professionals who represent clients in court proceedings and provide legal advice.
Vakil is a term commonly used in India to refer to a lawyer or advocate.
Best signifies the highest quality or most skilled professional, often used to describe services or individuals.
Top refers to leading or most preferred individuals or services in a specific field or region.
In is a preposition used to indicate a location, position, or involvement in a specific area or matter.
For indicates the purpose, reason, or intended recipient of an action or service.
Near indicates proximity or closeness to a particular location.
Near Me
Near Me is a phrase often used in searches to find services or professionals in close geographical proximity.
Ahmedabad is a prominent city in Gujarat, India, known for its legal, business, and cultural significance.
Vadodara, also known as Baroda, is a major city in Gujarat, recognized for its legal and industrial hub.
Gujarat is a thriving state known for its industrial development, cultural heritage, and economic significance. From the vibrant streets of Ahmedabad to the serene landscapes of Gir Forest, Gujarat offers a blend of tradition and modernity. Key industries include textiles, petrochemicals, and tourism.
Mumbai – Bombay
Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay, is India’s financial capital and the heart of the Bollywood film industry. Known for its iconic landmarks like the Gateway of India and Marine Drive, Mumbai is a bustling metropolis blending history, culture, and innovation.
Pune is a vibrant city celebrated for its educational institutions, IT hubs, and cultural significance. Often referred to as the “Oxford of the East,” Pune offers a perfect mix of traditional Maharashtrian culture and modern lifestyle.
Delhi – New Delhi
Delhi, India’s capital city, combines historical grandeur with contemporary living. Home to iconic monuments like the Red Fort and India Gate, Delhi is a hub for politics, culture, and diverse cuisines.
Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat, is a planned city renowned for its greenery and structured layout. It houses significant landmarks like Akshardham Temple and serves as an administrative and cultural center.
Gaming refers to playing electronic games on consoles, computers, or mobile devices, often involving real or virtual currency.
Withdrawal refers to the act of removing funds from a bank account or financial platform.
P2P (Peer-to-Peer) describes decentralized transactions between individuals without intermediaries, often used in crypto trading.
Crypto is short for cryptocurrency, a digital or virtual currency secured by cryptography.
Currency refers to the medium of exchange, including digital and physical forms, used in trade and commerce.
Investment involves allocating funds to assets or ventures to earn returns or profits.
Fraud is the intentional act of deception for personal gain, often financial.
Telegram is a messaging platform popular for private and secure communication.
A scheme is a structured plan or system, sometimes used in fraudulent contexts to deceive individuals.
Digital refers to technology-driven systems, processes, or data in electronic form.
Online means connected to or conducted via the internet.
YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users upload, watch, and share videos.
A task is a specific duty or piece of work that requires completion.
Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange platform used for trading digital assets like Bitcoin and USDT.
WazirX is a cryptocurrency exchange platform, popular in India for trading digital currencies.
Trading App
A trading app is a mobile or web application used for buying, selling, or exchanging assets, including cryptocurrencies.
Arrest refers to the act of taking someone into legal custody by law enforcement.
USDT (Tether) is a cryptocurrency pegged to the US dollar, used for digital transactions and trading.
The dollar is a unit of currency used in many countries, including the United States.
Buy refers to purchasing goods, assets, or currencies in exchange for money.
Sell means exchanging an item, asset, or currency for money.
Contact Advocate Paresh M Modi
For expert legal advice and services, Advocate Paresh M Modi can be contacted during office hours.
- Office Landline: +91-79-48001468 (Timing 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday to Saturday).
- WhatsApp SMS: 9925002031 (Timing 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM).
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