Categories Divorce Lawyer, Family Lawyer

અમદાવાદમાં ડીવોર્સ કેસના ફેમસ એડવોકેટ । 9925002031 । અમદાવાદમાં લગ્ન વિચ્છેદનાં કેસના જાણીતા વકીલ । એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી

અમદાવાદમાં ડીવોર્સ કેસના ફેમસ એડવોકેટ । 9925002031 । અમદાવાદમાં લગ્ન વિચ્છેદ કેસના જાણીતા વકીલ । એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી

વકીલ પરેશ એમ મોદી: તમારા વિશ્વાસપાત્ર ફેમીલી વકીલ – અમદાવાદ જિલ્લો, ગુજરાતમાં

વકીલ પરેશ એમ મોદીના આધિકારિક વેબ પૃષ્ઠમાં આપનુ સ્વાગત છે, જે અમદાવાદ, ગુજરાતમાં આધાર રાખેલ એક પ્રમુખ વકીલનો છે. ન્યાયનો પ્રતિબદ્ધતાની સાથે અને સફળ મામલાના નિર્ધારણના દીર્ઘકાળા રેકોર્ડના સાથે, વકીલ પરેશ એમ મોદી એ અમદાવાદ જિલ્લાના શ્રેષ્ઠ ડિવોર્સ વકીલ, એક મુખ્ય પરિમાણક પરિસ્થિતિના વકીલ, અને અમદાવાદ જિલ્લાના શ્રેષ્ઠ ડિવોર્સ એટર્ની તરીકે જાણીતા વકીલ છે.

વકીલ પરેશ એમ મોદી વિશે

વકીલ પરેશ એમ મોદી એ કુટુંબ વકીલના ક્ષેત્રમાં વર્ષોના અનુભવ સાથે તજ્ઞ ન્યાયકાર છે. તેની વ્યક્તિગત અને કાર્યકર ન્યાયકારી સોલ્યુશન્સ પ્રદાન કરવાનો તેનો દાખલો છે, જેથી તે ગુજરાત પ્રદેશમાં જાણીતા થયેલાં વકીલોમાં એક શ્રેશ્ઠ માન્ય વકીલના રૂપે પરિચિત છે. તેના દક્ષતાના વિભાગોમાં ડિવોર્સ કાયદા, તલ્લાક બાબતો, પારસ્પરિક વાતચીત, વિવાહ ભંગ, અને એક્સ્ટ્રા-મેરિટલ એફેર્સના કેસને સંબોધન કરવાના પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવે છે.

પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવતી સેવાઓ:-

  1. ડિવોર્સ કાયદા – તલ્લાક લો:

વકીલ પરેશ એમ મોદી ડિવોર્સ કેસમાં વિશેષજ્ઞતા ધરાવવા માટે જાણીતા છે, જે માણસોને પારસ્પરિક વિવાદોના જટિલતાઓમાં મદદ કરવાની પૂર્ણ કાનૂની મદદ પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવે છે. તે અમદાવાદ જિલ્લામાં શ્રેષ્ઠ ડિવોર્સ કાયદા વકીલ છે.

  1. વિવાહિત વિવાદો:

વિવાહિત વિવાદો ભાવનાત્મક અને કાનૂની જટિલ હોઈ શકે છે. વકીલ પરેશ એમ મોદીનો સ્કિલ અને અનુભવ છે કે, જેનાથી તે મામલામાં તમારા અધિકારો અને ચાસ માટે આવાજ ઉઠાવી શકે છે, અને સંભાવના રેઝોલ્યુશન્સ માટે પ્રયાસરત રહે છે. તે અમદાવાદના માટે શ્રેષ્ઠ વકીલ છે.

  1. વિવાહ સમાપ્તિ:

શું તમે ડિવોર્સનો વિચાર કરવો છો અથવા વિવાહ સમાપ્તિથી સામર્થ્ય થવો છો, તેમનો નિર્દેશન આપવાના લગભગ પોતાના વિકલ્પો અને સજાગતા પ્રદાન કરવા માટે વકીલ પરેશ એમ મોદી ખાસ ધ્યાન આપે છે. તે પ્રતિસાદ અને ન્યાયમાં એવા તમારા કેસના વિશેષ પરિસ્થિતિઓની યોજના કરવાનો ઉદ્દેશ છે. તે અમદાવાદમાં વિવાહ સમાપ્તિ માટે અનુભવી વકીલ છે.

  1. એક્સ્ટ્રા-મેરિટલ એફેર્સ:

એક્સ્ટ્રા-મેરિટલ અફેરના કેસમાં વિવિધ અને સેંસિટિવ પહોચની જરૂર છે. એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી આવતા મામલાનો સંચાલન કરવામાં દક્ષ અને સજગ છે, અને વિવાહના સંદર્ભમાં નકારાત્મકતાના ચૌકસાથ જોડાયા છે. અમદાવાદ જિલ્લા, ગુજરાતના એક્સ્ટ્રા-મેરિટલ અફેર કેસના પરફેક્ટ એટર્ની છે.


અમદાવાદમાં ડીવોર્સ માટેના વકીલ । 9925002031 । અમદાવાદમાં છુટાછેડા માટે જાણીતા એટર્ની । એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી


ફ્કત એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદીની પસંદગી કેમ?:

  1. વિશેષજ્ઞતા:

એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદીની કૌટુંબિક વિધિની વિશેષતા અનન્વયરહિત છે. કાનૂની ભૂમિકાના ગહિરાઇના સાથ, તે સખ્યાતે અને કુશળતાથી જટિલ કેસને સંચાલન કરે છે, જેથી ગ્રાહકોને શ્રેષ્ઠ સંભાવનાનો પ્રતિષ્ઠાન પ્રાપ્ત થાય.

  1. ગ્રાહક-કેન્ટ્રિક પહોચ:

ગ્રાહક સંતોષના પરિપ્રેક્ષ્યમાં, એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી ગ્રાહક-કેન્ટ્રિક પહોચને અપનાવે છે, તેમના સેવાઓને દરેક વ્યક્તિના અનિકના અને લક્ષ્યોને મળવાના ઉદ્દીપનથી તૈયાર કરવામાં આવે છે. તેમના અમલમાં સંવાદ અને પારદર્શકતા મુખ્ય સ્તંભો છે.

  1. પ્રમાણપત્રિત ટ્રેક રેકોર્ડ:

એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદીનો એક પ્રમાણપત્રિત ટ્રેક રેકોર્ડ છે જે વિવિધ કૌટુંબિક વિધિના કેસના યશસ્વી સંચાલનના અનુભવી છે. તેમના ગ્રાહકો માટે અનુકૂળ પરિણામો પ્રાપ્ત કરવાના તેમના યોગદાનનો એક પ્રમાણ છે અને તેની બેનામી અને કાનૂની બુદ્ધિનો સાક્ષાત્કાર છે.

  1. કંપેશનેટ રિપ્રિઝેન્ટેશન:

કાનૂની મામલાઓ જોઈને તકની લઈનાર માટે, એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી કંપેશનેટ રિપ્રિઝેન્ટેશન પ્રદાન કરે છે. તે મામલાઓ સાથે જોડાયેલી ચિંતા અને આત્મવિશ્વાસનો સહારો પ્રદાન કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરે છે, અને પ્રક્રિયા પૂરે કરતાં સહાય કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરે છે.


Questions and Answers related to Family Law, Divorce, Maintenance, Extra Marital affairs Case, Child Custody and other Marital Problems Case:


  1. What constitutes marital problems in the eyes of the law?

– Marital problems can include issues such as domestic violence, cruelty, adultery, desertion, and irreconcilable differences between spouses.


  1. Under what circumstances can one spouse seek legal intervention for marital problems?

– A spouse can seek legal intervention when there is evidence of abuse, cruelty, adultery, or other grounds for divorce or separation.


  1. What legal remedies are available for resolving marital problems in India?

– Legal remedies include filing for divorce, seeking protection orders against domestic violence, and pursuing marital counseling or mediation.


  1. Can a spouse seek legal separation without filing for divorce?

– Yes, a spouse can seek legal separation through a judicial separation decree, which allows them to live separately while remaining legally married.


  1. What role does counsel /Counselling play in resolving marital problems legally?

– Counseling can be mandated by the court as part of the legal process to attempt reconciliation before granting divorce.


Divorce Case in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi



  1. What are the grounds for divorce under Indian law?

– Grounds for divorce include adultery, cruelty, desertion, conversion to another religion, mental illness, and irretrievable breakdown of marriage.


  1. How is property division handled in a divorce case?

– Property division is determined based on factors such as contributions to the marriage, financial needs of both parties, and the welfare of any children.


  1. What is the process for filing a divorce case in India?

– The process involves filing a petition for divorce in the appropriate family court, followed by counseling, mediation, and judicial proceedings.


  1. Can a divorce be obtained through mutual consent?

– Yes, spouses can file for divorce by mutual consent, provided they have lived separately for a specified period and have agreed on terms of settlement.


  1. What factors does the court consider when granting divorce?

– The court considers factors such as the welfare of children, financial stability of both parties, and grounds for divorce presented by the petitioner.


Maintenance Case in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi


  1. What is maintenance in the context of family law?

– Maintenance refers to financial support provided by one spouse to another during or after divorce proceedings.


  1. Who is entitled to claim maintenance in India?

– Spouses, children, and dependent parents are entitled to claim maintenance under Indian family laws.


  1. How is the amount of maintenance determined by the court?

– The court considers factors such as the financial needs of the claimant, the income and assets of the payor, and the standard of living during the marriage.


  1. Can maintenance be modified after it is awarded by the court?

– Yes, maintenance orders can be modified if there is a change in circumstances such as loss of employment or increase in expenses.


  1. What happens if a spouse refuses to pay maintenance as ordered by the court?

– Non-payment of maintenance can result in contempt of court charges, fines, or imprisonment.


Extra-Marital Affairs Case in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi


  1. Is adultery grounds for divorce in India?

– Yes, adultery is considered a valid ground for divorce under Indian family law.


  1. Can evidence of an extra-marital affair affect child custody decisions?

– Evidence of an extra-marital affair may be considered by the court when determining the best interests of the child in custody proceedings.


  1. What legal remedies are available to a spouse who has been cheated on?

– Legal remedies include filing for divorce on grounds of adultery, seeking damages for emotional distress, and pursuing criminal charges against the adulterous partner.


  1. Can a spouse sue the third party involved in an extra-marital affair?

– Yes, a spouse can file a civil lawsuit against the third party for alienation of affection or criminal conversation, depending on the laws of the state.


  1. How does evidence of an extra-marital affair impact alimony awards?

– Evidence of an extra-marital affair may influence the court’s decision regarding alimony, potentially reducing or eliminating the award to the guilty party.


Family Court Act Case in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi


  1. What is the Family Court Act in India?

– The Family Courts Act, 1984, provides for the establishment of family courts to deal with matters related to marriage, divorce, custody, and maintenance.


  1. What types of cases fall under the jurisdiction of family courts?

– Cases related to divorce, restitution of conjugal rights, child custody, guardianship, adoption, and maintenance fall under the jurisdiction of family courts.


  1. What is the objective of the Family Courts Act?

– The objective is to promote conciliation, speedy resolution of family disputes, and the welfare of children and families.


  1. Can parties represent themselves in family court cases?

– Yes, parties can represent themselves in family court cases, but legal representation is recommended for complex matters.


  1. How are proceedings conducted in family court cases?

– Proceedings are conducted in an informal manner, and efforts are made to promote reconciliation and settlement through mediation or counseling.


  1. Can family court proceedings be kept confidential?

– Yes, family court proceedings are typically conducted in private to protect the privacy and dignity of the parties involved.


  1. What role do mediators play in family court cases?

– Mediators help facilitate communication, negotiation, and settlement between parties in family court cases, especially in matters involving children.


  1. Can family court orders be appealed?

– Yes, family court orders can be appealed to higher courts if there are grounds for challenging the decision.


  1. Are family court judgments enforceable?

– Yes, family court judgments are enforceable like any other court judgments, and non-compliance can result in contempt of court charges.


  1. What measures are in place to protect the interests of children in family court cases?

– Courts prioritize the best interests of children and may appoint guardian’s ad litem, conduct home studies, or order counseling to ensure their welfare.


કાનૂની બ્લોગ: અંદરનો અને સ્રોતો

એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદીનો કાનૂની બ્લોગમાં, તે શેર કરેછે જેમણા માધ્યમથી, વિધિકન્યાય અને કૌટુંબિક વિધિના મામલાઓમાં ચર્ચા, અપડેટ્સ અને કસ્ટમિઝ ટિપ્સ મળે છે. આપણના બ્લોગ વિવિધ કાનૂની વિષયોમાં માહિતી અને માર્ગદર્શન માટે એક મૂલ્યવાન સાધન છે.

એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદીનો સંપર્ક કરો

શું તમારી તલાક, પાતિવ્યા વિવાદ, અથવા બીજા કુટુંબ કાનૂનના વિષયમાં છો? એડવોકેટ પરેશ એમ મોદી તમારી મદદ કરવા માટે હાજર છે. તમારા મામલાઓ પર ચર્ચા કરવા અને તમારા કાનૂની વિકલ્પો અને લીગલ મહત્વ સમજ્વા માટે આજે જ વકીલ સાહેબ શ્રી પરેશ એમ મોદી ને કોલ કરો. ફોન: 9925002031, ઓફિસ લેન્ડલાઇન: 079-48001468,


Categories Divorce Lawyer

Top Divorce Lawyers in Ahmedabad | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi | Best Advocates for Divorce Case in Gujarat

Top Divorce Lawyers in Ahmedabad | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi | Best Advocates for Divorce Case in Gujarat

Divorce Lawyer in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi | Marriage Dissolution Lawyers in Ahmedabad Gujarat

Divorce Lawyer is the lawyer who take care of the disputes between the husband wife. He tries to do the mediation between the parties and when it not works, he tries to provide the legal solution to his party either husband of wife. Ultimately, divorce Advocates puts the efforts for happy ending of the painful marriage life by the way of Mutual divorce or the contested divorce.

Top Divorce Lawyers in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi | Mutual Divorce Lawyer in Ahmedabad Gujarat

Family Advocates are taking care of problems or disputes regarding the family members, Marriage disputes, Extramarital Affairs Case, Divorce Cases, Court Marriage, Special Marriage Act Related Issues, NRI Marriage, NRI Divorce cases, Relationships related Problems, Marriage Registration related issues, Child Custody, Adoption Procedure, guardianship Act cases, Specially when we discuss the divorce, there would be a chance of mutual divorce or contested divorce. Mutual divorce is always preferred in case of both parties are agree with mutual understanding.

Divorce Case Advocates in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi | NRI Divorce Lawyer in Ahmedabad Gujarat

In India, for a female, once she entered in to the marriage, there are no reverse gear to get back the father’s name in all documents where she has entered the husbands name. She has to knock the door of Hon’ble high Court or Hon’ble Supreme court for this complicated problem.

Top Divorce Lawyers in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi | Mutual Consent Advocate in Ahmedabad Gujarat

It is essential to solve the all concerns and transfers of jewelry, Money, Documents and properties before the sign on the court documents or before the sign on the divorce papers because after sign the papers,  court assumes that there is no anymore handover process is pending between the parties and if any pendency will be there, you may loose your rights to get back the things, Property and documents.

Best Advocate for Divorce in Ahmedabad Gujarat | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi | Contested Divorce Lawyer in Ahmedabad Gujarat 

In India, Hindu law, Muslim law, Christian law, and Parsi law are exist, where Hindu law is the oldest and most prevalent family law.

Divorce is a method by which the marriage or marital union between two adults terminated or comes to an end, so it is also known as dissolution of marriage. It is the way to dissolve the bonds of matrimony under the rule of law of any particular country.

In Ahmedabad, Best Criminal Lawyer Advocate Paresh M Modi is the well-known Divorce Lawyer among the Top Divorce Lawyers in Gujarat, for your Divorce case, Maintenance Case, Domestic Violence Case, you may contact him, Call or WhatsApp now him on Mobile No. 9925002031 for book the Appointment.

Advocate Paresh M Modi is the Best Divorce Advocate in Ahmedabad and its different areas like, Chandkheda, Sabarmati, Jawahar Chock, Keshavnagar, RTO Circle, Gandhi Ashram, Vadaj, New Vadaj, Bhimjipura, Akhbar nagar, KK nagar, Ghatlodia, Chanakyapuri, Sola, Shayona City, Naranpura, Navrangpura, Gurukul, CP nagar, Bhuyangdev, Usmanpura, Drivein, Science City, Satadhar, Memnagar, Nirnay Nagar, Chenpur, Kali Gaam, Zundal, Adalaj, IOC Road, Bhadaj, Santej, Shilaj, Ambli, Bopal, Shilaj, Shela, Apple Wood, Godrej Garden City Ahmedabad, Adani Shantigram Ahmedabad, Krishna nagar, D-Cabin, Ramnagar Ahmedabad, Gujarat University, Ambawadi, Ashram Road, Income tax Circle, Nehru Bridge, Ellis Bridge, Paldi, Vasna, Shahibag, Ranip, Mithakhali, New Ranip, Dariapur, Kalupur, Shahpur, Station Road Ahmedabad, Ghee Kanta, Mirzapur Ahmedabad, Dafnala Ahmedabad, Airport Road, Sardar nagar, Kuber Nagar, Memco, Civil Hospital, Bapunagar, Gomtipur, Asarva, Prahladnagar, Makaraba, Satellite, Anand Nagar, Bodakdev, Vastrapur, Thaltej, Shilaj, Jodhpur, Ramdev nagar, Sindhu bhavan, Gota, Ognaj, Vande-Matram Circle, Tragad, Jagatpur, Motera, New CG Road, SG Road, Sarkhej, Juhapura, Kankaria, Maninagar, Ghodasar, Isanpur, Vatva, Ramol, Vastral, Odhav, Narol, Hathijan, Dehgam, Nikol, New Nikol, Naroda, New Naroda, SP Ring Road, Lambha, Aslali, GIDC Ahmedabad, Saijpur Bogha,

Who is a Divorce Lawyer?

An Advocate who opt for a career as Divorce Lawyer deals with legal issues that arise between husband wife.

Divorce is a method by which the marriage or marital union between two adults terminated or comes to an end, so it is also known as dissolution of marriage. It is the way to dissolve the bonds of matrimony under the rule of law of any particular country.

How much divorce is given to wife?

If the alimony is being paid in the form of monthly payments, the Supreme Court of India has set 25% of the net monthly salary that should be granted to the wife by the husband. In case, the alimony is being paid in the form of a lump-sum amount, it usually ranges between 1/5th to 1/3rd of the husband’s total worth.

What is the time limit for divorce?

According to section 13-A there is no time limit for any case or Divorce case, according to section 13B (2) when the couples move to the court for divorce with mutual consent, the court grants them a mandatory six months period to consider any chances of change in their decision. This period is granted by the court with the intent to save the marriage.

Can a Hindu marry two wives?

Thus, polygamy became illegal in India in 1956, uniformly for all of its citizens except for Muslims, who are permitted to have four wives and for Hindus in Goa and along the western coast where bigamy is legal. A polygamous Hindu marriage is null and void.

What are the 3 grounds for divorce?

Grounds for Divorce both men and women can apply for divorce on the following grounds: Mutual Consent. Cruelty. Adultery.

Is one-year compulsory for divorce?

For filing divorce case one separation period is not mandatory but one year is mandatory if both you want to file mutual divorce petition. If you alone want to file divorce petition 1-year separation is not mandatory, you can claim permanent alimony and maintenance for you and your child.

Can divorce be one sided?

In India, personal and unique laws provide for one-sided divorce. To fall under this category, all laws provide for some grounds as the basis of one-sided divorce. An individual must prove at least one of those grounds to get a one-sided divorce.

Can divorce be taken in one day?

There will no fixed time period. The parties have to be present before the court for as many times as it seeks. The maximum cooling off period between the first and second petition is 18 months after which on presentation of second petition, and satisfaction of court, divorce decree can be granted.

Do I need a reason for divorce?

In the United States married couples are allowed to end a marriage by filing for a divorce on the grounds of either fault or no fault. In the past, most states only granted divorces on fault grounds, but today all states have adopted a form of no-fault divorce.

What is the hardest part of divorce?

Perhaps the most difficult period of divorce is the “separation period.” That is the time between when you decide to get a divorce, and the date when you are actually divorced.

What happens if a couple is separated for 7 years?

Under the Hindu Marriage Act, Separation is a ground of Divorce, if the husband and wife have been living separately for more than two years at the time of filing petition. – Further, if the separation is more than 2 years period, then even without a reason, is a ground for a Divorce decree

Can I marry without divorce?

As per Hindu Marriage Act 1957, anyone cannot marry second time without divorce.


For your criminal Case, Bail Matter, Family Matters, Property Disputes Cases, Civil Suits, Call or WhatsApp on Mobile No. 9925002031, to Advocate Paresh M Modi, Lawyer in Ahmedabad, Advocate in Ahmedabad

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Categories Divorce Lawyer, Family Lawyer

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Divorce Lawyers in Prahladnagar Satellite Vejalpur Ahmedabad | 9925002031 | Advocate Paresh M Modi

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You may find the Advocate Paresh M Modi as a Best Lawyers in Gandhinagar Ahmedabad Gujarat or Top Family Advocate for Divorce case in Gandhinagar Ahmedabad Gujarat. He is the intelligent Family Lawyer in Gandhinagar Ahmedabad Gujarat, Commonly people Knows him as a Mutual Divorce Lawyer in Gandhinagar Ahmedabad. He is the famous Divorce Lawyer in Ahmadabad’s Different areas like Ashram Road, CG Road, SG Road,  Sindhu bhavan Road, SP Ring Road, Bopal, Shela, Apple wood Township, Adani Shantigram Township, Godrej Garden City, Sky City, Ambawadi, Panchvati, Nehru Nagar, Satadhar, Sardarnagar, Kubernagar, Ratan pole, New Cloth Market, Satellite, Vastrapur, Bodakdev, Prahladnagar, Vejalpur, Makarba, Okaf, Sarkhej, Juhapura, Shah Alam, Sola Road, Sola bhagwat, Science city area, Thaltej, Shilaj, Navrangpura, Naranpura, Usmanpura, KK Nagar, Chanakyapuri, Ghatlodia, Gurukul, Memnagar, Drivein, Kankaria, Isanpur, Maninagar, Ghodasar, Vastral, Odhav, Nikol, Naroda, Khokhara, Gomtipur, Paldi, Vasna, Vasana, Jivraj Park, Wadaj, Vadaj, Nava Vadaj, Bapunagar, Ahmedabad City Area, Raipur, Khadia, Shahpur, Dariapur, Khanpur, Kalupur, Subhash Bridge, Ellis Bridge, Gandhi Bridge, Gita Mandir Road, River Front Area of Ahmedabad.

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 Normally People search the lawyers for the Sale deed Registration, Property Card Issues, Dastavej, Banakhat, Power of Attorney, Registration process of Property, Property Disputes, Land Title Certificate, Land Revenue Disputes, Ancestral Properties Problems, for Family Matters, for extra marital affairs cases, for Divorce Cases, Court Marriage, Cyber Crime matters, Fraud Cases, Divorce Cases, IPC 395 392 Cases, Cheating Cases, NDPS Cases Lawyer in Gandhinagar, High Court Advocates in Gandhinagar for Family Related Cases, Drug Cases and for many more Family Related Cases in the Gandhinagar as well as Ahmedabad. Advocate Paresh M Modi provides the very good legal advice with proper legal remedies. Advocate Paresh M Modi is the famous Divorce Lawyer read with IPC 498a & Domestic Violence Act. He is well known Advocate for family Matters and Divorce cases.

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