Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881-Section 141 – Liability of vicarious na-ture-Burden of proof lies on appellant-Onus has to be discharged by good evidence, High Court committed error in discharging liability-Whether or not they were partners in firm is a fact, to be established in trial-Initial burden by way of averment has been made by appellant.

વટાઉખત અધિનિયમ ૧૮૮૧-કલમ ૧૪૧ – પ્રતિનિધક સ્વરૂપની જવાબદારી-અપીલકર્તા પર પુરાવાનો બોજો પડે છે-સારા પુરાવાથી ભાર ઉતારવાનો છે-જવાબદારી રદ કરવામાં હાઇકોર્ટ ભુલ કરી છે-તેઓ પેઢીમાં ભાગીદાર હતા કે નહિ તે એક હકીકત છે-જે ટ્રાયલમાં પુરવાર કરવાની છે-ખાતરીપૂર્વક બોલવાથી શરૂનો બોજો અપીલકર્તા પર છે.


Rallis India Ltd v.Poduru Vidya Bhusan, 2012 (1) SCC (Cri) 778: 2011 (13) SCC 88: 2011 (3) Supreme 244:2011 (2) Crimes (SC) 177 :2011 (1) Bankmann 617.

Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881-Section 141 – Criminal liability attracted-If accused is able to prove to satisfaction of Court that offence was commited without his Knowledge or he has exercised diligence to prove commission of of-fence he will not be liable to be punished-final judgment would depend on evidence adduced.

વટાઉખત અધિનિયમ ૧૮૮૧-કલમ ૧૪૧ – કંપનીનો નોન-એકિઝ્કયુટિવ ડિરેકટર-ડિરેકટરની ફરિયાદ કે તેણી ડિરેકટર તરીકે બંધ થઇ ગઇ હોવા છતાં તેને આરોપી તરીકે બોલવવામાં આવે છે-ફરિયાદીએ જુની તારીખના જવાબને ધ્યાનમાં ન લીધો-કાયદાકીય નોટિસમાં એવી સ્પષ્ટ માહિતી સમાવિષ્ટ છે કે તેણીએ એક દિવસ પહેલાં જ રાજીનામું આપ્યું હતું.

Anita Malhotra v. Apparel Export Promotion Council, AIR 2012 SC 31:2012 (1) SCC 520:2011 (8) Supreme 1: 2012 CrLJ 625:2011 (12) JT 550:2012 (1) SCC (Cri) 496:2011 (4) Crimes (SC) 281:2011 (2) Bankmann 504.

Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881-Section 141 – Non executive Directors of Company-Girevance of Director that in Spite of assertion that she ceased to be a Director she was arrayed as accused-Complainant did not refer to reply on old date-Reply to statutory notice contains specific information that she had resigned be gone back.

વટાઉખત અધિનિયમ ૧૮૮૧-કલમ ૧૪૧ – ડાયરેકટરની જવાબદારી-ડાયરેકટરનું રાજીનામું કંપની દ્રારા સ્વીકારાયુ-તેના રાજીનામા સ્વીકાર્યા બાદના વ્યવહાર માટે તે જવાબદાર નથી-શબ્દ ‘કોઇપણ વ્યકિત’-ગુનો થયો ત્યારે તે તારીખે જે વ્યકિત હોય તે જવાબદાર.

Advocate Paresh M Modi is a highly regarded advocate based in Ahmedabad, known for his expertise in criminal law. As a distinguished lawyer at the Gujarat High Court, he specializes in a wide range of legal matters, making him a sought-after professional in various areas of law. Some of his notable specializations include handling cases related to cheque bounce, property disputes, cybercrime, court marriages, divorces, debt recovery tribunals (DRT), FIR quashing, land revenue disputes, anticipatory bail, PASA (Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Act), family law, civil law, and more. Advocate Paresh M Modi is a highly skilled lawyer practicing at the Gujarat High Court Lawyer in Ahmedabad. With his extensive experience and expertise, He has established himself as a renowned advocate in the region. Stay connected with him on social media for updates:

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Author: Advocate Paresh M Modi

As a law firm, Advocate Paresh M Modi is having a team of expert Advocates who provide expert advice and guide the clients on the complicated issues of court proceedings in India. Our law firm has been advising clients to adopt a systematic approach as per the provisions of the law and the requirements of the statute. Being the Best Advocate in Ahmedabad, Advocate Paresh M Modi has been serving the clients according to the provisions of law as Advocate Paresh M Modi is an Experienced Lawyer in Gujarat.Paresh M Modi and his associates have been rendering excellent work owing to their experience in Gujarat High Court for more than 7 years together and having established themselves as a seasoned advocate in the High Court of Gujarat by dealing with various matters in a different fields. It has been made possible to see that the client in any corner of the State of Gujarat could get genuine legal advice and the presence of a lawyer on account of the association with Advocates in various cities of the State of Gujarat.

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